Utsikt över Ribban/Malmö.

Information material

Information material on MAXIMA

Here you can access information material such as presentations, films, studies and reports on the new wastewater treatment system for the municipalities of Burlöv, Lomma, Lund and Malmö – one of our region’s largest infrastructure investments in the near future. 

Before May 2023, the MAXIMA wastewater treatment system was called ‘Sustainable wastewater treatment in a growing Skåne’. 


Annual reports


This is a printed broschure about the planned wastewater tunnel produced for the Stuva Conference 2023.

This is a printed brochure produced for the public. Here you get answers to what VA SYD plans to build, why, how, where and when. Produced autumn 2021.

This is a digital presentation produced for the member municipalities and
elected representatives, autumn 2020.

Presentations Presentation of the wastewater tunnel project.pdf

This presentation was used at the STUVA Conference 2023 to market our Tunnel project.

WTC, Copenhagen 2022

In autumn 2022, VA SYD presented MAXIMA at the WTC (World Tunnel Congress) in Copenhagen. This was to increase awareness of our major infrastructure investment in the market. The film was shot at WTC Copenhagen. 

Digital hearing, 2022

It is a filmed hearing, a webinar, with experts and project managers from VA SYD’s programme organisation that will build the new MAXIMA wastewater treatment system. In the film, you can hear us talk about how we plan to build for long-term sustainable wastewater treatment. The hearing was broadcast live on 27 January 2022 for individuals invited from member municipalities and Svedala Municipality. 

Bild på MAXIMAs monter.

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  • Our newsletter tailored to entrepreneurs and suppliers is published in English. 
  • Our newsletter tailored to officials, politicians and residents in the municipalities concerned is published in Swedish.