Underground tunnel in concrete

Wastewater tunnels

Wastewater tunnels south and north of Sjölunda wastewater treatment plant

One wastewater tunnel under Malmö and one wastewater tunnel connecting the municipalities of Burlöv, Lomma, and Lund addresses the challenges of population growth and an obsolete wastewater system, and enables protection of our local water environment. The solution allows more people to live and work here.

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Overflow discharge occurs when the pipes are overloaded. Untreated water is then released into the sea, rivers and canals.
Read more about overflow discharges here

Bild över en kanal i Malmö.

The southern wastewater tunnel

The planned wastewater tunnel from Turbinen in central Malmö to Sjölunda wastewater treatment plant is an approximately 5.5 kilometre main tunnel and two connecting micro-tunnels totalling approximately 2.4 kilometres. The wastewater tunnel will be drilled at a depth of 25-30 metres. This is so that wastewater will be transported by gravity to the wastewater treatment plant, where a large new pumping station will pump the wastewater from a depth of 35 metres up to the treatment plant.

Bild över Lomma och Malmö.

The northern wastewater tunnel

Currently, the planned tunnel reaches between the Källby wastewater treatment plant and the Sjölunda wastewater treatment plant, covering a distance of approximately 10 kilometers. The wastewater tunnel will be drilled at a depth of 25-30 metres. This is so that wastewater will be transported by gravity to the wastewater treatment plant, where a large new pumping station will pump the wastewater from a depth of 35 metres up to the treatment plant.